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About AVP

AVentProduction is a production house specializing in original stories for stage and screen.


Our goal: To invite audiences on a journey that, like all the best ones, will leave them full of laughter and a richer appreciation of how very universal and very complex the human experience really is. 


At AVP’s helm are the two sisters-from-different-misters,

or as they like to say: sissies-from-different-missies,

or for short: sissies,

and comediennes:

Izzy Frisoli and Jenna Isabella.

AVP Coming Soon Video (2).png

Hey, guy! What’s with the Name?

Let us paint you a “word-picture”:

Many moons ago, (which we will not specify, because who has time for that level of website maintenance?) Izzy and Jenna went to college together. Being two predominantly Italian Americans, they had…higher thresholds for volume than those they lived with in their respective dorms. Add to this, they were actresses…God bless ‘em.

Where were they to go at 2am:

... to dream up abridged 1920s adaptations of Much Ado About Nothing

... to cackle with laughter as they devised sketches to film as their interpretation of English Lit assignments? 

... to explore ideas and dream the dreams of how a good story can change a life forever?

Where were they to go? 

Where would they be unhindered by the social and circadian rhythmic restraints of “normal people”? 


Where: The Vent. (yes, it was a heating exhaust vent of a building on campus).


What was on the other side of that wall, they may never know, but come rain, come shine, come frost, come heat wave, it was always hospitable to those two loons and their imaginations. 


And it is to The Vent that they say ‘thank you’.

The warm breath of fabric softener and/or computer mainframe heat on a cold winter’s night was the most inviting of atmospheres, and one that shall not soon be forgotten. Years from now, (again, won’t say how many) they might even put a sneaky plaque there that reads:

“The First Home of AVentProduction,


Izzy + Jenna”

to celebrate and toast to their past achievements with travel mugs of merlot.

But until then, they’ll stoke the flames of this little steam engine that can and see where their dreams will take them and all others in search for a laugh that will make you cry in all the healing ways we need. 


To all the dreamers who happen to stop by this webpage,

these co-masterminds pose one simple question:

how do you complete this phrase?


 “wouldn’t it be funny if…”


If you dare... fill in the blank.

If you dare... live your dream.

If you dare... crack a smile. 

Meet The Co-Masterminds

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